Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Miss the Ol' Neighborhood

Hi all you Bladdy Churchillians!!!

We miss you! North Carolina is great though. Mom and Dad are very very VERY happy to have us here...well, to have BRIANA anyway. They told me they have laughed more in the last two months then they have in the last 10 years. That, in itself, made the move worthwhile.

Darren is well. Found a great job at Sandvic. I'm still doing my same gig for World Business Review (now 21st Century Business) working from home.

We've been taking lots of hikes in the woods and I've been taking riding lessons. I'm hoping to buy a horse in the next year or so.

I'll post some pictures very very soon.

Oh. Also, I spoke with Elmer last night. He is still living in Virginia with Dee. As some of you might know, she had a stroke about 8 months ago (just before their wedding) and has been slowly recovering ever since. As usual, Elmer has a fantastic, positive attitude.

More later!

Miss you all like crazy!

Come visit me!!!!!